2022 Movement Research ACROSS

Slides, A Letter To Dance

Performance by Roni Katz (a production from 2017)

Saturday, 4 June 2022, 7 – 7.40 PM
Galerie Wedding – Space for Contemporary Art

A choreographer invites the audience to indulge in the symbiosis of dance in her past and the political realities of her present. This deeply personal deconstruction of the choreographies, hierarchies, and labor conditions that have influenced her career reveals the complexities of a dancer’s relationship to dance. While acknowledging inspiration and heritage, and the temporal impossibility to undo education and training, her feelings are exposed. How to embody something you struggle believing in? How can she be devoted to a form that wobbles around politics? How to be unburdened from the oppression of canon and the weight of the gaze?
Despite frustration, the way she moves unveils affection for this long-term relationship. The inextricability of dance in her body is as clear as her power to break it down and redirect it. She is looking for the reasons why she began, and why she continues, dancing.

Dance and Choreography: Roni Katz
Costume: Daphna Munz
Voices: Rasha Nahas, Ariel Nil Levy, Alex Viteri, Dora Zygouri
Artistic advice: Litó Walkey
Thank you: Tamar Grosz, Louise Trueheart, Deufert&Plischke
A production by Roni Katz, supported by Vierte Welt and Ada Studio Berlin

Roni Katz

Roni Katz works in Berlin as a choreographer, performer, dramaturge and curator. By means of a steady practice of expanded choreography Roni is looking for the apt medium to manifest personal-political matters, often finding the stage elsewhere when choreographing events, installations and conversations. The various expressions of Roni's work question power structures, engage with the erotic and move through and around ecological forms. Either within (temporary) collectives or solo formats, her work is always with and in relation to other human and non-human collaborators.